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Corporate Strategy Map

Corporate Strategy Map

R1 aligns its processes, people’s mind-set, skill sets, competencies, resources, operations, trading systems, technological platforms, product offerings, its involvement and participation in various business segments, diversification and growth initiatives; at the micro levels, to set the tune to achieve harmony with its broader vision, keeping the baseline principles of existence undeterred.

The corporate strategy map is a ready reckoner to help the organization address the critical success factors of its business and acts as a check on our progression and direction at any point of time in business. It helps us to objectively define our goals and strategies in line with the dynamic business environment we operate.

R1’s Strategic Perspective

This perspective is more of an introspection step to critically evaluate ourselves to answer the following questions:

  • Do we have the necessary skill-set to execute the business and to achieve the strategic goals we set for ourselves?
  • Are we competent to execute the business strategy?
  • Is the R1 culture inculcated in its people or is there a need to train further?
  • Do we have succession planning to address any contingencies or breakdowns that may arise during the course of our business, thus enabling a smooth transition?

Customer’s Perspective

This mainly defines how we would like to place ourselves – the perceived value quotient, in the minds of our customers.

  • Outstanding Contract Performance – We place high integrity and significance in delivering our contracts, irrespective of all odds with our customers, and expect a similar reciprocation, as this is most vital in the commodity business.
  • Single stop solution for diversified products and services.
  • Strategic partnership – We take a step beyond from just selling the product, in terms of delivering that something extra, which our customers and business partners treasure as ‘R1’s value offering’.
  • Global Presence. We are just a call away for our customers at any location and at any point of time to attend to their needs.

Process Perspective

This addresses the various systems that R1 deploys to execute the business:

  • Global Trading System
  • Excellence in operations
  • Treasury Management
  • Real time Enterprise Risk Management
  • Innovative and latest Technological platforms to supplement our various systems at work.
  • Creative mind-set of Mutual Value Creation (MVC)

Shareholders Perspective

In delivering our role towards the business, our partners and society we ensure that our shareholders perspective is met by:

  • Delivering the expectations in terms of financial returns to our shareholders.
  • Maintaining our market leadership.
  • And, finally upholding the equity and leadership of brand “R1”.
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