The long term success, both in tangible and intangible aspects, of a business is a result of strong governance, based on which an organisation conducts itself. Our Board and Management are committed to our strong governing principles. This strong governance keeps us focussed on our vision and mission ensuring the growth in our core focus areas, responsibly, delivering value to our business partners, shareholders and society, and thus defining the reason for our existence.

R1’s strong ethical and compliance framework encompasses its people within the organization, processes, and outlook, setting a backdrop for the way we conduct business in the global society. The Board and Management continuously review the corporate governing principles to consistently upgrade it with the changing needs in the environment we operate in.

Guiding Principles:

  • Exist for a reason.

    Is our business to be just profitable? Or does it also have an element of service to the customers and creating a value for them? This is very pivotal for R1 to participate in any business in the long term perspective.

  • Integrity

    We conduct our business with high amount of integrity and ethics. We advocate fair competition to keep a check on our competences for our own development. The codes of conduct are well drafted and nurtured with each R1’ite.

  • Legal compliance

    We strictly adhere to the legal and legislative frameworks as applicable to our various activities across the globe.

  • Business obligations

    We place high significance to compliance and commitment to the contractual and business obligations. We also ensure to partner with only those who have a similar virtue in reciprocation.

  • Mutual Respect

    Being a multi-racial and multi-national organisation, we practice mutual respect for oneself, his/ her beliefs, culture and traditions within the organisation and also with the people outside the organisation. We provide a conducive working environment for the people to unleash their capabilities and grow as a responsible global citizen.